Hamburg to open Human Library Book Depot
The news are good if you are living in the city of Hamburg. With the help of a local group of dedicated champions of the Human Library, it has been decided to open an official book depot for the Human Library.
The Human Library so far has had limited presence in Germany and predominantly in local ngo partnerships. This will be the first book depot to be organized and operated by the Human Library Organization in Germany.
“We are excited and grateful for the opportunity to build a strong and sustainable book depot that can serve thousands of readers from Hamburg over the next years”, says HLO founder and library creator, Ronni Abergel.
The Human Library Book Depot in Hamburg can also set an example for other German cities to draw inspiration from. Once fully stocked and with critical mass, a book depot can host anywhere from 10 to 30 events annually. Our books are published in schools, libraries, universities, festivals and workplaces.