New Human Library online reader service
Introducing the Human Library Online. A software developed and devoted to help facilitate our open books to readers in a safe space. With support from Masco and UGI Corporation we are launching our new library software to help us scale the volume of books we can publish and the amount of readers we can serve.
A dream becoming reality
It has been a long time dream to be able to publish our books online and to offer readers a more flexible access to our learning opportunities. In the past we have been limited by several factors. For in-person programming it would be about distance and availability. While online we have been hosting curated sessions using Zoom as the primary hosting software. The learning opportunities in the curated space will continue and be complimented by the new virtual bookshelf.
Increasing the volume of readers
The time has come to add another dimension to our work and strengthen our global reach. An online bookshelf with books publishing every day and readers joining at a time that is suitable for them while also offering the choice of topic.
“I am very proud to see this project go live and excited to see how readers and books will embrace the new opportunity to connect and perhaps Unjudge Someone”, says Human Library founder Ronni Abergel.
The first year the new library service will be available only to organizations, institutions and our corporate diversity partners. A public offering is expected in 2024.